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Authors, if you are ready to take the next step, reach out to Creative Edge by using either of the following:





Creative idea, creative dream, creative reality

By now, if you have been following this page, you will notice that all of my featured artists are clients with Creative Edge. Once just an idea of doing good in the literary community, Mickey Mikkelson has accomplished much more. Our partnership began two years ago and I am delighted to bring you this interview on how it started, how it grew and where this endeavor is going in the future.

CC:  How did Creative Edge start?

MM: I was helping a friend get the word out about her book, the authors name is Miranda Oh and she allowed me to experiment and see if what I did for her became successful.  It became successful and so I started Creative Edge. My daughter who is autistic, named the company and put forth the idea of puzzle pieces as a logo and everything started from there


CC:  What was the driving force behind Creative Edge?

MM:  It really was the intention of doing good in the writing community and creating a format that will help authors Indie and Traditional get the word out about their works. We really wanted to be known as an advocate for helping authors, who didn’t have the knowledge or the time to market their works, and we wanted to do it using a fair pricing strategy that benefits both the author and Creative Edge specifically.


CC:  At what point did you know that this was going to be a success?

MM:  For the first six to eight months I truly wasn’t sure, but as we signed more commercially viable authors and having more success developing media relationships the transition for success became clearer.  Now we have a client base of over 40 authors represented, with two NY Times Bestsellers, six USA Today Bestsellers, multiple international bestsellers and award winners, and a substantial number of international media connections.


CC:  What has been the biggest boost to this endeavor? 

MM:  I would say the team that I work with day in and day out.  I always say that I am privileged to work with some of the most highly intelligent and intellectual people that I have ever been around, and I get to promote them every day.  The boost is the community we have all built together from an author standpoint, a media standpoint, and overall, from a writing relationship perspective.  The one thing I am most proud of is that I know when I book a client for anything, you can be sure that the individual will be professional, will give highly intelligent and interesting answers, and will always be gracious to the individual hosting them.  That is the strength in community!

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About Mickey!

Mickey enjoys Major League Baseball and is a fan of the Boston Red Sox. He also collects comic books with a focus on silver age and bronze age books.


Mickey loves helping people and applies 110% effort in everything he does. He is a person with a vision and works hard toward fulfilling it.


He is also a husband and father to a 13 year old daughter with autism. In his own words he has a wonderful wife who helps support his comic book habit.


Mickey is also an animal lover. He prefers cats. 

CC:  What tips do you have for anyone looking to get into the media/promotional business? 

MM:  You have to have a deep and strong passion for this business and be able to understand that there are going to specific trends to always focus on.  The biggest strength anyone can do is strive to build collaborations and focus on the writing community as a whole.  That is what we have done and it has been key to our productivity and success.

CC:  Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 

MM:  Our hope is to grow exponentially and continue to build our client base on a local, national, and international level.  For the last four and a half years, Creative Edge has been done on a part – time basis until about three weeks ago.  I am now focusing all of my energies on this and my overall intent is to work on continuing to be a powerful marketing force in the book industry. We are going to do that by continually building our community and signing talent that is both marketable, but also have real expectations and be a fit for our collective group

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